About me

I decided to specialised in Women’s Health, Fertility and PCOS thanks to having my mind blown early in my undergraduate degree about the “first 1000+ days” - the concept that the health of mother and father before conception through fo a child’s second birthday can shape their overall health and influence risk of developing chronic diseases, allergies and more! This led me to learning more about how to support women and couples to improve their fertility through diet, and improve PCOS symptoms! 

I also had my own fair share of menstrual issues which led me to finally receiving a PCOS diagnosis early in 2022 after seeing countless doctors to investigate my irregular cycles and ruptured ovarian cyst over 10 yrs ago! I have first hand experienced how significantly diet and lifestyle can improve symptoms (so much so that my doctor complemented my efforts after 3 months of lifestyle work regulated my cycles! )

I made it my mission to help support women and couples navigating their cycles, infertility, PCOS through to pregnancy and beyond because I know just how much nutrition can help and how sensitive these periods of time can be, and challenging to navigate all alone.

I feel extremely privileged to help guide and empower women who come to me at their most vulnerable, stressed and confused state to find clarity and help them to achieve their goals!

Thanks for joining me and I look forward to working together!


Qualifications and Skills

  • Bachelor of Science (Nutrition and Metabolism) and Master of Nutrition and Dietetics (The University of Sydney)

  • Nutrition Therapy for Fertility (Nutrition Plus)

  • Eating Disorder training

  • Published author in scientific journal (1st author)